All-Star break could be the end for union head

After 17 years fighting for NBA players, Billy Hunter might be down to his last, most difficult battle.

A lengthy report critical of seemingly every aspect of Hunter’s leadership has given players plenty of reason to fire him as executive director of the players’ association, and some will go to Houston for All-Star weekend with that intention.

Released in January after eight months of reviewing financial records and NBPA emails, along with interviews of more than three dozen witnesses, the report contains hundreds of pages of questions about Hunter’s judgment and decision making, leaving readers to wonder whether the issue is that Hunter didn’t know better or should have done better.

The report urges players to consider Hunter’s position this weekend, and players such as Paul Pierce, Deron Williams and Andre Iguodala have called for his ouster.

“I think it would be helpful if people who found the report would come sit down and talk to everyone and say exactly what they found, because it’s hard to know, to trust a side.

The 70-year-old Hunter would like to keep his $3 million a year job, and if given a chance to address players he could make some persuasive points on his behalf.

The report even notes that his previous contract extensions were handled in the same manner as his 2010 one, which hadn’t been approved by executive committee and player representatives according to union bylaws, perhaps allowing him to make the argument that extensions aren’t governed by the same rules as appointments.

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